Safeguarding is the protection of children and adults from abuse and neglect.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. It is about protecting them, preventing their abuse or neglect and educating those around them to recognise the signs and dangers.
NHS Mid and South Essex (MSE) Integrated Care Board (ICB) believes that living a life that is free from harm and abuse is a fundamental right of every person. The MSE ICB acknowledges its statutory responsibility to promote the welfare of the population we serve (children, young people and adults) and to protect vulnerable families from abuse, neglect, exploitation and risk of harm.
We recognise safeguarding as a high priority for the organisation. To achieve this, the organisation ensures robust arrangements are in place to provide strong leadership, vision and direction for Safeguarding providing clear accessible policies and procedures in line with relevant legislation, statutory guidance, and best practice. We have a clear line of accountability for safeguarding our population.
We are regulated and held accountable to NHSE and Care Quality Commission (CQC) under the Integrated Care System Inspection Framework, which comes into effect from 2023.
The Integrated Care Board is not a safeguarding referral service, if you have a concern about an adult, child or young person, please use the links for the ‘Safeguarding Boards’ links.
If you believe that a child, young person or adult is at immediate risk, treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the police. If it is not an emergency, you can still contact police on the 101 line for advice and to discuss your concerns.
Who is responsible for safeguarding?
The Safeguarding Children Boards/Partnerships and Safeguarding Adult Boards are made up of representatives from social care, the police and health and are responsible for ensuring safeguarding arrangements are in place to support and safeguard the rights of people who are harmed, stop abuse from continuing, and improve access to any services they may need.
Each Board has a very useful website for information, up to date legislation, resources and training opportunities for both the public and professionals. For further information please click the below link which will take you directly to the appropriate website:
Southend Safeguarding Partnership Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership Thurrock Safeguarding Adults Essex Safeguarding Children Board Essex Safeguarding Adults BoardWhat is included in safeguarding?
Safeguarding is far reaching and covers several defined categories of abuse, but also recognises harm can be hidden and manipulative, encouraging behaviours in individuals and groups that can result in harm to others, as extreme as terrorism. It is important therefore that all agencies work together with our local populations to raise awareness and take action to protect our most vulnerable neighbours and friends.
Categories of Abuse
The are 10 categories of abuse within adult safeguarding which include (click here for further information on each category):
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Psychological Abuse
- Domestic Abuse-including Honour Based Abuse, forced marriage, Female Genital mutilation
- Financial or Material Abuse
- Modern Slavery
- Discriminatory Abuse
- Organisational Abuse
- Neglect and acts of omission
- Self-neglect
There are 4 categories of abuse within child safeguarding which include (click here for further information on each category):
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Neglect