Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (the ICB) and the people who work with and for us, collaborate closely with other organisations, delivering high quality care for our patients.
These partnerships have many benefits and should help ensure that public money is spent efficiently and wisely. However, there is a risk that conflicts of interest may arise.
To ensure that these conflicts are identified and managed appropriately, the ICB has a Conflict of Interests Policy, which requires Board members and staff to formally declare any interests which might conflict with the business of the ICB upon their appointment. Declarations of interest are also sought during Board and Committee meetings for recording in the minutes, or when an individual is involved in decision-making processes, such as procurements. Individuals are required to update their declarations within 28 days of a new interest arising and a formal review is undertaken each year.
The policy also sets out the ICB’s arrangements for managing gifts and hospitality, outside employment, sponsorship and other situations where a conflict might arise.
Registers of interests for publicly held Board or Committee meetings are made available within meeting papers available on the ICB website.
A register of interests declared by other ICB decision-making staff will be made available on the ICB’s website once staff have been appointed to the new organisational structure. This register will also be available for inspection by telephoning 01268 594350 to make an appointment with the Governance team.
ICB Board Declarations of Interest