The following web pages are a summary of the first Joint Forward Plan (JFP) for NHS Mid and South Essex.
The Joint Forward Plan describes how NHS partners across mid and south Essex will work together over the next five years to meet the needs of local people. The plan describes how the NHS will play a key part in delivering the objectives of the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Strategy, developed with our wider partners.
It is no secret that this is a challenging time for the NHS. Achieving the ambitions in this plan will need us all to work together differently. Together we will shift our focus from treatment to prevention by supporting people to make healthier choices while also improving our services and the way we provide care.
The Joint Forward Plan for mid and south Essex has three sections.
Part one explains the collective ambitions and shared commitments of NHS partners: how we will meet local needs, promote fairness and achieve the best value for taxpayers.
Part two describes how we will achieve our ambitions and commitments: through integrating services at every level, working with our communities and through cross system leadership to help to find solutions to improve outcomes and value for money.
Part three features our plans to deliver on the national NHS Long Term Plan commitments and how we will deliver on our legal duties.
These plans are based on conversations we have had with local people, staff and partners recognising our collective strength in working together.
In 2022, we started a conversation to get views on key health and care areas to inform our Integrated Care Strategy. We continued discussions in our Spring Conversations in 2023 and through various online channels and means. Thank you for getting involved, a summary of feedback can be in the “What our population and partners have told us” section.